Single strand anchorages are produced for both bonded and unbonded applications; they are supplied to the site with all the accessories necessary for their installation. They are produced in compliance with the guideline ETAG 013. The E series single strand anchorage is made of the following parts: steel plate in C40-45 UNI EN 10083/1, in the EX version encapsulated in H.D.P.E., wedges in steel 16NiCr4Pb UNI EN 10277-4 and connection in H.D.P.E. to connect the plate to the wire strand. The anchorage is tested for use with the T15, T15S and T15C wire strand. Anchorages have been awarded with the European Technical approval for single strand systems.
1E15 single strand anchorages are supplied with two holes to connect with the formwork. The anchorage of the steel plate to the formwork wood panel is guaranteed by two self-tapping screws.
The rear connection guarantees a proper protection of the wire strand without polyvinyl chloride in the area of connection to the anchorage. The unbonded application can be carried out with a metallic sheath and a polyethylene sheath. Sheaths are provided with proper connections for grouting and vent to guarantee a correct grouting after tensioning.
Cables can be supplied cut to size directly on site, rolled up with a diameter of 2.2 m and labelled for identification and a quick allocation.
This type of provision allows the following advantages to the site: